About the Club

Our club is a very diverse group of people who share a common interest and passion for community service and fellowship. We have 60 members in our club, and celebrated our 42nd anniversary in March. We all work hard together to make sure our community is a great place to live, work and raise our families.

All of this is done in an atmosphere of friendship, fun and common commitment to serve others.

As a service club, we work hard to raise money to give back to worthwhile charitable causes in our community. We receive applications and donate funds based on the merits of the applications. The club has given donations as small as $25, and as large as $100,000.

The club also has a long standing commitment to KidsAbility, formerly The Rotary Centre, and makes a significant annual contribution.

The club will typically fund raise between $50,000 and $100,000 annually. Our major fundraiser is the Vacation Fantasy Lottery, in which we sell tickets for a chance to win dream vacations all over the world. We are busy during Oktoberfest, hosting the President’s Opening Day luncheon and operating the Crown and Anchor wheel in Concordia’s main tent. These fundraisers are held annually, and we also do many other events throughout the year.

The Club is an active participant in a number of the Rotary International programs.

The Rotary Club of Kitchener-Westmount meets every Wednesday at 12:15 p.m. at the Concordia Club in downtown Kitchener and provides a warm welcome to all who care to join us.  Please check out our website for list of upcoming speakers and to ensure we’re not having an off-site meeting away from the hotel.
